Weighs 18.9 pounds (50-75th percentile)
- 26 3/4 inches tall (50th percentile)
- Is crawling as fast as we can catch him
- Is now beginning to eat table food along with his baby food and really likes turkey deli meat, prunes, and macaroni and cheese
- Still has the most gorgeous blue eyes
- Sits up on his own
- Naps about two hours a day (an hour in the AM and an hour in the PM)
- Chews on everything
- Is attracted to cords
- Likes to spit his food when he is finished eating what you have given him
- Has an adorable chuckle, although he doesn't laugh as often as Brody
- Is content playing on his own
- Has one tooth coming in on the bottom
- Bullies his brother
- Weighs 18.6 pounds (50-75th percentile and is catching up to his brother)
- Is 27 1/4 inches long (75th percentile)
- Is long and lean
- Not interested in crawling but rolls to get what he wants
- Has FIVE teeth (three on the bottom and two more coming in on the top)
- Laughs and smiles all the time
- Prefers to be entertained and in the room with you
- Cries when you walk out of the room and leave him
- Is a good eater and really likes Vienna sausages, turkey deli meat, and peas
- Naps 3-4 hours per day and is an excellent sleeper during naps and at night
- Has been a bit cranky because he has so many teeth coming in at the same time
- Chews on anything and everything he can get his hands on
- Laughs and grins from ear to ear often
- Adores Moxie and Tucker and laughs at them and watches them anytime they are around his play area
- Loves to splash water everywhere when taking a bath
- Doesn't sit up on his own for very long yet
We upgraded to the next car seat size, and both boys are pleased with how much room they have to move now.
We're still in love, but how can you not be with these faces? I've only (literally) taken 406 pictures of the babies during the month of May. That's not too many, is it? I'll have just about every second of their lives documented! HA! Hey- at least they will know they were loved. My children will NEVER be able to say I didn't have pictures of them while they were growing up! I mean, 406 in one month should count for something, right? Maybe it will keep me out of a nursing home for an extra month when I'm old and decrepit.