Thursday, July 29, 2010

Two posts in one month! I'm on a roll!

Although life is insanely busy (I can only imagine what it will be like once both boys are playing sports or into various activities), I want to try and do better about updating. I realize every post doesn't have to be years long, but I have to type it all out when I have time.

Instead of bullets, I think I'll switch it up and do numbering. Woo- crazy, I know.

1. A few weeks ago, I was singing to the babies as I fed them breakfast.

Ashley: O-klahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plain

And the waving wheat, can sure smell sweet

when the wind comes right behind the rain.

O-klahoma every night my honey lemon lime.

Sit alone and talk . . .

Allen: You do realize you just sang that incorrectly, right?

Ashley: No, I didn't.

Allen: It's not 'my honey lemon lime.' I don't even think they had lemon limes back then.

Ashley: What is it then?

Allen: My honey lamb and I.

Ashley: Seriously? How did I not know that? I've been singing it wrong my whole life.

Allen: Please don't teach the boys your version, Ash.

Ashley: Is there really such a thing as a lemon lime?

Allen: I don't know. Ask your mom. But I wouldn't tell her the reason you are asking....

2. My little Brody had surgery last Friday (July 23) to remove a small lesion on his head. It was a dermoid cyst, but the pediatric surgeon was glad we removed it. It was larger and deeper than the ultrasound showed and was eroding his skull. He's on the mend and doing well but needless to say, we've had a bit of a crankster on our hands. I sure do think he looks handsome and tough with his war wound though! My little man is such a trooper!



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My best friend, Leah, came into town from Houston for the surgery. Bless her heart. I needed her for emotional support, and it was nice to have her around to help juggle both of the boys while Brody was recovering. Thanks, friend. The boys already miss their Aunt Leah, and we already miss your help! HA! Come back soon! You are the bestest, and I love you the mostest!



3. Mason started walking with a walker. He is getting so brave and takes about ten or twelve steps on his own and then crashes. It won't be long before he is truly mobile. Watch out world; here he comes! He also has two more upper teeth coming in and has been Sir Drools A Lot.

4. I received a text from Allen at work the other day that made me laugh out loud: "Just caught Mason swishing toilet with wooden spoon." I used that same spoon to serve my little buddy dinner. Kidding!

5. I've recently learned some hard lessons on keeping my mouth shut. Not easy for an opinionated person like myself, but a lesson that needed to be learned, nonetheless.

6. We are on the road to planning Mason and Brody's first birthday party. I know this first year is more about the parents than the babies, but I am getting excited about it!


7. Work is about to get even more insanely busy than it has been. And Allen goes back to pre-school activities next week. I have a feeling we're both going to be exhausted before we even get to next week. HA!


8. My mom has volunteered to watch the boys for us this school year. (She may retire after Christmas after watching them five days a week) Can you even imagine how amazing she is? Can you even consider how much money we'll be saving and how much extra attention and love they will get? Can you even imagine how worn out SHE is going to be? Thank you, mom, for your never-ending support. You are so amazing. The boys are lucky to have you as their Mimi.

9. Can I just tell you how much my Mason and Brody are loved? From the small-to-you but huge-to-us acts of kindness (sweet cards, meals to the house, toys and clothes) to the large donations of time (babysitting, laundry and ironing, keeping the boys overnight, help on the weekends), we are thankful to have so many people to love on our little fellas. We are proud of them, and they are easy to share because they are so fun!




10. I'm so behind on many of my DVRd shows! I love to watch Hell's Kitchen, So You Think You Can Dance, and Cake Boss. I'm about four weeks behind on all these shows (and a few more) which sometimes seems pretty overwhelming. I just figure the most important things are being taken care of right now- my boys and my sleep.

11. I have to give props to my husband. I cannot tell you how amazing Allen is with our boys. He is so involved, knows their schedule, changes their diapers, bathes them, makes bottles, empties the dishwasher with the boys hanging all over him, laughs with them, sings to them, rocks them, and loves all them. Mason and Brody are lucky to have a father so involved with every aspect of their lives. I know some of our friends have admitted they only wished their husbands would help as much, and I know how lucky I am to have him! Love you, babe! Keep up the great work.




12. Man alive I am having a difficult time keeping up with the adult meals at our house. We need cheap and easy and fast. If I don't have a meal ready by the time the boys finish eating (at about 5:15), forget dinner for us! We have been spending way too much money eating out, both at restaurants and take out, and we need to do better. I usually cook on the weekends because I have the time, but during the week is a different story. If/When we eat at home, we often end up eating peanut butter, a salad, TV dinners, soup from a can, or leftovers from the weekends. It gets boring rather quickly. Anyone have any fast and cheap recipes? I'm totally open to ideas.





13. The boys have found a new escape route- the doggy door! Argh! If we can't find them, we just have to look outside.



14. Mason and Brody are becoming more and more aware of each other. We love it!


P.S. I know the pictures have issues and some are larger than others. I've re-sized and uploaded about five times and need help because I obviously can't figure it out myself. Argh! Sorry!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I Know . . .

I know I haven't been keeping up with my blog very well.

I know I haven't been a good listener recently.
I know my babies are growing up too quickly and merely typing that brings tears to my eyes.

I know having twins is exhausting, but I wouldn't choose to have it any other way.

I know I can barely keep up with life right now.
I know I love champagne.
I know Brody has two more teeth coming for a grand total of 9!I know Mason is standing up by himself in the middle of the room.

I know my family is so supportive and helpful with our precious boys.
I know I'm having a hard time emotionally right now.
I know my head and heart disagree at times.
I know the boys' crawling styles are completely different.

I know Mason loves his Daddy.
I know I have been working my rear off at work.
I know Mason has been spitting up like crazy, but the doctor says he is just an active little boy.
I know Brody has been needy and cranky, likely due to all his teeth coming in at once.

I know I have neglected some of my friends.

I know Sam's has double-wide shopping carts that make our shopping trips much easier.I know I get to watch about an hour of TV a week.

I know that sleep sounds dreamy, but I've been having trouble sleeping.
I know my back hurts from hauling around two little dudes.I know two of my friends said my boys weight more than their older children.
I know I've been having a hard time coping with my babies growing up so quickly.
I know I have a hard time remembering things; if I don't write it down, it doesn't get done..
I know I'm finding it difficult to concentrate because I haven't been sleeping well and I have so much on my mind.

I know Allen likes cigars but rarely has time to smoke them.
I know I need to clear my mind.
I know I need to pray more.
I know I'm thankful for my husband.
I know my babies make me smile every single day. I know I use my phone to "check out" when I need down time.
I know Brody is in love with our dog, Moxie.

I know Allen is an amazing father!
I know Brody started signing "milk" about a month ago.
I know it is going to be great when both of the boys start signing back to us on a regular basis.
I know I need to cook more and eat out less often.

I know I need to cut myself some slack.

I know my boys love their bath!

I know both of the boys love when we wear hats.
I know I need to send some cards in the mail.
I know I am stressed.
I know I need to tell people more often how much I appreciate them and am thankful for them.
I know I need to get out of the house more.
I know I need to drink more water.
I know I need more sunshine.
I know Allen and I thoroughly enjoyed our mini-getaway for our 8th anniversary.

I know the boys are lucky to have such wonderful grandparents.
I know I am loved.
I know I would go ziplining again in a heartbeat.

I know I need more humor in my life.

I know I need to be less serious.
I know I crave coffee when I am tired.
I know we can't have another baby right now.
I know I care.
I know I can't sleep because I care.

I know wax museum people remind me of a dead person in an open casket. Creepy!

I know the boys are more aware of each other now.

I know Mason's chubby arms and legs are adorable.
I know I need to paint my fingernails and stop biting two of them down to the quick.
I know I need more time for relaxation.
I know I need to be more thoughtful.
I know I need to unplug from technology during the evenings so I can spend more time with my family.
I know I like to be loved and needed.
I know Allen likes my hair better blond.

I know my boys are loved.
I know I offer my opinion when sometimes I should just listen.
I know I need to change the sheets on the boys' beds.
I know I need to give my dogs some attention.
I know I can't stand to think of my life without these babies.
I know it cracks me up when Brody shakes his head, "no, no, no, no" and then his brother starts doing it too.

I know I need to take advantage of each stage of the boys' lives.
I know Mason always wants to have the toy his brother has.
I know my roles have changed since becoming a mother.
I know I have never seen so much poop come out of something so little.
I know I have never smelled anything as rancid either.
I know I need help more then I like to admit and more than I ever have right now.
I know I have a full plate.
I know I love my best friend wholeheartedly. I know I need to learn to say "No."
I know my life will never be the same.
I know this is all just a part of life.
I know the boys have discovered the doggy door.
I know I have learned from my mistakes.
I know I still make mistakes.
I know I don't like waterproof mascara.
I know life is moving way too fast!

What do you know?