Tuesday, July 28, 2009

26 weeks and 1 day

I am officially 6 1/ 2 months pregnant. So amazing! I'm going to post in bullet points because it is late (9:30 P.M.), and I want to head to bed:

  • My belly is a-growin'! I'm measuring 31 1/ 2inches as of last Monday (one day shy of 25 weeks). This equates to being 31 1/ 2 weeks pregnant with a singleton, but it does not really convert to a twin pregnancy. I don't have any stretch marks yet but know they may appear any second because my stomach is getting so large.
  • I have gained 25 pounds thus far, and my doctor would like me to continue gaining because weight gain for the mom falls off in the last trimester. Babies take up so much space that there is very little room for the stomach to expand. However, our perinatologist said the babies are measuring right on track for weight so not to be too worried about my personal weight gain.
  • The babies are super active, although I cannot tell which one is moving or what body parts are moving yet. I can see movement on the outside of my belly as well, which is super exciting. Feeling and seeing the babies move is the neatest thing I have ever experienced in my life. I LOVE it!
  • My appointments with my regular ObGyn are now every two weeks.
  • I failed my first glucose tolerance test; the nurse forgot to tell me to fast, and I ate a cheeseburger and fries prior to the test. HA! My repeat test was perfect. Go figure!
  • I am slightly anemic, which is normal in twin pregnancies. The babies are taking every single bit of nutrition from me. I am supposed to supplement with over-the-counter iron pills once daily and will be monitored closely to ensure my anemia does not get too out of hand.
  • I am out of breath pretty and take deep breaths often. I don't even realize I am breathing deeply or sighing/taking deep breaths and have been asked on several occasions if I am okay. Someone even told me that I shouldn't breathe like that because it makes other people nervous and concerned I might be going into labor. HA! Poor Allen wears himself out asking if I am alright when I breathe this way too.
  • I have to go to the bathroom about once an hour (if not more) and am up throughout the night not only to go to the bathroom but also because the babies tend to be most active in the late evenings.
  • My back still bothers me; the pain is becoming a nuisance. When I think about carrying these two little babies though, I can't help but smile and be thankful.
  • My ankles have begun to swell a tiny bit but do not cause me any pain right now. They start swelling about 10 A.M. and just tend to stay that way the rest of the day.
  • I am usually super tired after work and come home to take a thirty-minute nap a few times a week. I also think this might partially be related to the anemia, but I need to ask my doctor about that.
  • I am constantly thirsty! Super. Thirsty.
  • We were extremely productive this weekend while my best friend, "Peah," was in town from Houston. We picked out and purchased the cribs and mattresses (which take about six weeks to come in), we planned the family & friend baby shower, we found everything we needed to register for (plan to actually register this weekend), found a recliner/rocker for the nursery (Grandma Lucy paid for it), and we picked out new carpet in case we stay in our current house.
  • My mom and my Aunt Sharri (my mom's best friend) willingly drove to Tulsa today to get the rest of our baby bedding for us, and we now have all the bedding ordered. How sweet are they to help us with this task?
  • We also found out that we may get an offer on our house in the next day or two. Yikes! I was so not prepared for this and had resigned myself to staying in our current house until the babies were six months old, but I guess we'll see how it all works out in the end. Allen is dying to move, but I'm ready to nest. Our house officially goes off the market this Sunday at midnight. I just keep telling myself that if it is meant to be, it will be.
  • My belly is the largest thing on me right now, but I feel like I have started to gain a bit of weight and swelling in my face, rear end, and ankles. I know this is all normal; I just want it documented more than anything.
  • Other than that, things have been going well. Work is keeping me really busy right now, but it sure makes the days pass quickly. I'm thankful to have a job though!
  • I also have a great husband who helps so much around the house! He has been amazing and tells me my main job right now is to grow these babies. Since I tend to be a control freak, it is hard for me to surrender, but my body is happy that I do.
  • Allen tells me I move "at the speed of death." I do all tasks pretty slowly and feel like my "high speed" switch is currently broken. It's okay though; I'm growing babies. Remember? HA!
  • I apologize if I haven't updated as much as you (or I) would have liked. I've been doing an awful job about commenting on blogs too. I am often reading and sometimes just don't have the time or energy to comment. I am sorry and hope I can improve on this.
  • I'll leave you with a few parting belly shots and a few pictures from our anniversary trip to Eureka Springs as well.


Jess said...

You look so cute :) I love the story about your glucose test...classic!!

I Believe in Miracles said...

Love this update!!
I sleep with a pillow between my knees to help with the back pain and then one underneath my belly to prop it up. It's been super helpful.

Straubles said...

You look so cute! Amen to the pillows for back pain. AND, if you are taking iron supplements see if you can get something like Colace--you'll be much happier believe me :-) or my blogger friend Ashley recommends another iron supplement called Slow Fe. She says there are no nasty side affects---constipation, no nausea, no anything.

Mel said...

GORGEOUS!! It makes me want to have another baby!! :)What an awesome hubby and support system you have! These little guys will be here before you know it! (although it won't feel that way!) LOL

Hales Family said...

Ashley, your belly is adorable! Just imagine how cute your boys will be when they come OUT! LOL

And how dorky amd I? One of the first things I noticed about the first pic of you and Allen, is that my hubby has the same flip-flops! HAHAHA!!

JJ said...

You look great! Glad all is going well-and best of luck with the house!

Shelby said...

so sweet and great to hear how things are going...looking forward to seeing you soon...

Jenny said...

You look great, keep up the good work! I am with you on the swollen ankles and back pain. They are SOOO worth it, though!

Chelle said...

awwww! You are looking so good and everything seems to be going pretty smooth!! Thanks for the update!

Mrs. Harrison said...

ahahahaahahaha! I told you, there will be less and less time to do that blogging! I miss it, but I'm telling you, I have to frantically post in between naps or late at night. I'm skipping doing the dishes to catch up now! So glad to hear you are keeping happy and positive right now and I agree with Dobbs, keep growing those babies, I can't wait to give you your presents this shower will be so much fun! Oh! And I ran into Kirk and Amanda and yesterday at Sam's and they are dying to come to your shower, so I am getting their address. They didn't know it was twins, Kirk was cracking up!

Lost in Space said...

You are just looking too cute and I'm impressed with all you are getting done!

You are doing a great job growing those babies my dear. Those feet look like they should be propped up until the boys are here though. (-;

Anonymous said...

I love reading your updates!!! And I LOVE seeing your pictures! Glad you're doing so well. Can't wait to see pics of all the stuff you picked out for the room. Love you girl!

Chrissy said...

You look great! I'm so happy for you! Congrats again - and Congrats on your Anniversary!

Photogrl said...

You are looking SO cute!

I had "cankles" when I was pregnant with Miss O...good times.

Keep baking those boys, Momma!

Just Me. said...

Ashley, Ashley, Ashley! Sorry I've been absent! Please forgive me! But here I am and aw man, you're looking gorgeous, mama!

I am going to send your stuff by this week, I PROMISE! Gosh, it seems like only yesterday when you told me you were pg! Where has all the time gone?!

ps. Both you and Allen are looking gorgeous...and very happy. Hugs.

genderist said...

As my pregnancy rolled on I told The Hater that I felt like I was working at the productivity of half of a person. Slow was my standard. I hate to tell you that I bet the baby was four months old before I felt like I was back into the pre-pregnancy swing of things... but it was so worth it!

Hang in there! You're doing great. We're putting together all kinds of stuff for your shower. I'll probably call again soon to make sure we're moving in the right direction. :)

embieadoptmom said...

You are SUCH A CUTE pregnant person! We have also been married 7years and started with the adoption of some of our chilren and are now having our adopted frozen embryos transferred in October! I am praying for twins too! I'm 39, I think I can do it LOL!

Mel said...

I have seriously absent from the blog world! Haven't even updated my own blog, but wanted to check on you!! How are you? Getting close!!

Hales Family said...

Where are you? Is everything okay? I miss you!

Ellie said...

Hey girl- I accidentally posted on your old blog. Just looking for an update! The babies must be here by now, right?

Hope you are doing great!

(Formerly Happy Not-So-Newlywed)