Monday, February 14, 2011

Around Our House

If you looked around our house right now, you would find~

Babies pulling toys...

Monkeys in precarious places...

And monkeys in precarious positions...

Accidents waiting to happen...

Babies that are big enough to be in the shower alone (but supervised)...

Babies dressed in warm clothes and hats...

A trash can on the dining room table. Hmmmm...

A dog craving attention...

And another dog dying to be left alone...

Dishes in the sink...

Babies playing on the floor...

Mail and work piled on my desk...

An overweight dog waiting for flying food scraps at dinner...

Beautiful curls...

The sweetest smiles and faces...

Carpet samples to be returned to the flooring store...

A coloring project gone wrong...

Terribly wrong...

Babies with pacifiers and lots of molars peeking through gums...

Stories being read...

Netflix movies that need to be mailed...

A closet that threw up...

Jagged toenails that need to be trimmed...


And more laundry...

Two amazing balls of energy...

Babies being kissed and loved...

A child who will climb anything...

Make-do dinners...

Incomplete home projects...

Random objects in random locations...

Boys with crazy hair that needs to be trimmed...

Happy faces...

Babies fast asleep at bedtime...

What would we find around your house?


Danielle Moss // Graphic Design and Photography said...

LOVE them. So cute. I really love Mason's hair! :)

Emilia said...

Looks like my house, but double the trouble! They are so adorable! My Maddy's only friends about her age are twins, so I think of you and your cute blog often!

Nity said...

I love this post. Your kids are so beautiful and cute. It brings tears to my eyes just how precious they are and how long they were waited for.

Pretty interesting to think about how similar your house is to ours... but you have double trouble!


Anonymous said...

They are so so cute! Those baby cheeeeeks still are squishy and smoochable. :) Our house looks the same, just with one baby and a bigger dog. :)

Just Me. said...

oh how sweet!!!! i giggled at : Closet throwing up. My closet's perpetually drunk. we have clothes everywhere. :(

the boys are growing so fast. they are just adorable.

genderist said...

The monkey pajamas are the best! Such adorable boys.

Jessica White said...

It looks absolutely perfect to me :-)
Beautiful post!

I'm going to try and do one of these too. Great idea!

Mel said...

Love, love, love this post! The random objects and to-do projects left undone are TOTALLY our house, too. I think I have baby socks in my bedside table right now. :)

Your boys are beautiful, Ash! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

can you believe all the stuff they can do??

super cute, btw! :)

Motherofmany said...

those are the most adorable babies ever! one thing though, and i hope i am not stepping on any toes here but i would cut those hot dog chunks in half!! one of my boys choked on one of those once and oh man it scared the hell out of me and him!!!