So, here's what we have been up to the past few months:
- In November, I had college friends in from Texas. We had a great time hanging out and reminiscing while my mom kept the boys for us. Allen got some alone time too, and of course, he loved that!
- I realized that once you have kids, your friendships are very hard to maintain. I have always had pride in myself for putting lots of time and effort into relationships with good friends, but I haven't really had the time or energy to do so. It has kinda bummed me out a bit. Anyone else feel the same way?
- I also took a road trip with Aunt Leah and the boys to Houston. We had a great time! I was glad we decided to make the seven-hour drive while the boys slept though. It gave Leah and me lots of time to chat without crying babies. Leah's family is so amazing; I love all of them and was so happy to finally take the boys to Houston!
The boys got really bad colds one we came back from Houston. I wonder if it had anything to do with the 80 degree weather they had there. Geez.
- Then we had Thanksgiving to round out the busy month. What a time to reflect on blessings of the current and previous years.
- We also had some family pictures taken by Mandy Stansberry Photography, a college friend. She did an amazing job capturing the boy's personalities along with a few great family shots.
- Allen started really working on remodeling our guest bathroom. I'll save pictures for a later post when it is completely finished.
- Mason started climbing. He thinks he is invincible. Seriously. Have you ever seen a thirteen month old climb like this? Fearless, I tell ya. And a heart attack for Mama.
- And the boys started finding more and more trouble around the house. Curiosity killed these cats. Hey- at least they keep us entertained!
- In December, I was sick with a cold and then sinus infection and then bronchitis and a viral infection. I couldn't stay well to save my life! I ended up being sick the last part of November and stayed sick off and on for about six weeks. No fun!
- During my last sick episode, Allen got really sick- puking out both ends for nine hours straight. I ended up having to take him to the ER. The doctor wasn't sure if it was a virus or food poisoning, but they gave him fluids and meds and sent him home for lots of rest.
- Since Allen and I were so sick, my mom watched the boys for two days and nights so we could recuperate before Christmas. It was not a pretty time at our house. Not a pretty time at all.
- Mason also had a minor surgery for a "circumcision revision." It ended up being much worse than Brody's head surgery several months ago, but it is likely because it involved such a sensitive area. Thankfully, he has full recovered and everything is fine. *Note to all- If you have a baby boy and get him circumcised, you can call in a urologist to do the circumcision. I would highly recommend this and didn't know this was even an option.
- Allen continued remodeling the guest bathroom. We are getting closer to being finished!
- Christmas! What a merry one it was. Santa was very good to our family this year. We must have been on the "Nice" list. The boys were still more into the tissue paper, bows, and boxes than the actual gifts, but it was so much fun having kids around during the holidays!
- The boys have really started saying words. Mason says "quack quack," "Dada," "Ooooo Ooooo Ooooo"(what a monkey says), and "nite nite." Brody says "outside," "Mama," "Dada," "nite nite," "out, out, out" (when he's into something he is not supposed to be), "okay," and "a bath." They are both still doing baby sign language and have mastered "milk" and "hungry" and "more."
- I sure love these guys. I don't even know what we did before we had them. Our lives are so busy, but our lives are also so full. Full of life and love and joy.
I hope your holidays were grand and exciting and lovely! I apologize for the delay in posting, but I'm sure everyone has been busy. I don't even know if anyone reads anymore, but I'd love to have you say "Hi" if you are still out there.
Hi. I'm a lurker. :) Your boys are adorable! I have 7 month old twins so I totally relate to being busy and overwhelmed and tired and happy and the whole life full thing! I don't find the time to blog all that much either. It is just too hard sometimes and I beat myself up over it at times but I just cant worry about it. I have better things to worry about now. :) I'm sorry you've bern sick and glad you're on the mend. We've had the crap go around our house and are just starting to get better. No fun!
I love, love, LOVE your blog! Your boys are so wonderful and always bring a smile to my face.
Oh, and can I just say... you have some GORGEOUS friends! Beautiful company for a beautiful lady! :)
Love ya!
The boys are too cute! You are not alone in the friend department! It is really hard for me to keep up with them too. Guess it comes with the Mommy job! ;)
Oh they are the cutest! They look so sweet and ornery - just like perfect toddlers should be! :)
I definitely have less friends now that I'm a mom, but I think some of that is by choice. Lots of my "friends" from college don't have kids yet (or will never) and I just really am not part of that scene any more. Some of my "friends" are just full of drama, and I don't want to deal with that either. So I keep my best friends close, and let whatever may come to the others. :)
Still out there! And just as busy. :)
Thanks for all the pics!
I'm still here - good to hear from you!! The boys are so cute!
Hi, my friend. I definitely still read. Not too many people "get it" like those who have been and are in my shoes.
I fall more in love with your boys everytime I see photos. You have done a great job capturing all the moments!
welcome back! glad to hear that you are on the mend. i HATE being sick!! looks like you guys had some awesome holidays! and i can't believe how big the boys are getting! i love that they are sitting in the storage containers! my kids do that, too! lol. also: i find it's hard to maintain friendships right now. the ones that are still "ok" are the ones where we're able to just pick up and talk like no time has passed!
Still here!! Glad to hear you had happy holidays and that you are all feeling better!!
Great family flicks.
I love reading about your adventures.
Raising hand to say I'm here too!
Your boys are so adorable and look like a neverending comedic act. What little hams they are for the camera too!
And you look so amazing and happy, my dear...
I can't believe how big your boys are now!!! They are so handsome. Glad you guys are doing well!
hi your boys are so cute!
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