We celebrated the boys' first birthday on their actual birthday, Saturday, October 16th. The family attended our "Seussical" birthday, and it was so much fun. I still cannot believe I have two one-year-olds. It is both sad and exciting!
Here are a few pics from Mason and Brody's birthday day.

Details of the party~
- We served green eggs and ham- ham sandwiches and green deviled eggs plus two kinds of chips and dip. Somehow I forgot to get a picture of the food. Bummer.
- Aunt Leah came into town to help. She and I were both sick with colds, so it was a challenge to get everything done while feeling ill and quickly running out of energy.
- Great Aunt Cindy saved the day by finding a clear ladle and watching the boys while we decorated.
- The boys didn't get nearly as messy with the cake as I had secretly hoped. It was the first cake they had ever tried, and I am thrilled they didn't love it.
- They had more fun with the tissue paper from the gifts than the actual gifts themselves.
- The party was everything I had hoped it would be.
- Allen and were so exhausted from the party that it took us about three days to fully recuperate. We had no idea party planning and throwing would be so exhausting for a child's birthday party.
- The "Thing 1" and "Thing 2" onesies looked adorable on the boys.
- Mason and Brody loved the wagon and pop-up tent the best.
- Mommy and Daddy loved the clothes, pajamas, and gift cards best.
- The punch was fabulous, although I wish it would have been spiked.
- I loved the monthly pictures of the boys that Aunt Leah helped put together. We may even add another year to them at their two-year party.
- When we sang "Happy Birthday" to the boys (one time for each child), they stared at us like we were martians. The look on their face said it all- Why is everyone staring at us and singing?
- The cakes (all three of them) turned out so cute!
- Once Brody had enough of his cake, he tried to push it off his high chair. Cute but nearly disastrous.
- I had a slide show with music playing of all Mason and Brody's best pictures. It was a hit, and I hope to add birthday pictures to it and complete one each year for them both.
- I loved the theme. How can you go wrong with Dr. Seuss?
- Allen and I survived the first year (with tons of help). Hallelujah! Maybe year two won't feel like ten years crammed into one. Time- slow down!
What a great party! It looks like it was a lot of fun! I can't believe your boys are 1 already! Shortly after they were born I found out I was having twins. It's been fun following your blog and watching your boys grow - thank you for sharing!!
And congrats to you and Allen for making it through your first year! I'm five months in and I can't imagine what an accomplishment it will feel like when we reach one year! :0)
Are we secretly sisters? I too did the monthly photos on a ribbon for each of them and I also make a slide show of videos and favorite pictures to play. You party looked like such fun. Your boys are adorable and you look fabulous!
Congrats on surviving the first year!
Oh my goodness! That is the cutest party ever!
Sadly, I noticed that my TWO favorite Dr. Suess books were not pictures.
Guess you should watch the mail. =)
How wonderful!! I love the Seuss idea and you get ten thousand points in my book for serving green eggs and ham!! :)
Baby wasn't as crazy about cake at her party, either -- but just wait until the 2nd time they get it. That's when it gets messy!!
How is it even possible that they are ONE?! Time is going entirely too fast. Love love the birthday theme and all the pics! Such cutie patooties!
What a darling theme!
You did a GREAT job with everything! I love the banners with the pictures, using the blocks to spell, and the cakes were adorable.
Most of all, I'm happy to see that you made it through the first year...it gives me faith that we will survive, too!
You really outdid yourself. What an incredible first birthday you created for them! How is it possible they are ONE already!?
Happy Birthday, Brody and Mason!!
Love the party theme and those boys are so cute!! I can't believe I have a one year old too. Makes me sad!! Great party, girl!
adorable party ashley! now that your boys are one...you are going to have so much fun with them this next year. i say anything past one is way more fun that the first year of chaos, emotions, sleepless nights, etc!
That was the cutest party I have ever seen!!!!!! What a memory! You are a great mommy! (That "Wocket in my Pocket", which my 5 year old and I figured out was really a "Yot in my pot", is turning out to be my 8 month old's lovey... wish it wasn't so durn big to lug around!...now I'll always think of your little guys when I see it!)
Such an amazing party! So much work! I hate to be the one to tell you...the second year is just as full but even more fun! Right now, I'm loving the 2.5 stage!
omg! you are making me feel like my party was in a garbage can, lol!!! we *almost* did dr. suess, too!
the kids look awesome and are getting sooo big!
bring on year 2!
Happy (belated) birthday to your little guys!! Such a cute party theme, and fun details!
wow! I'm really feeling like I need to step up my game for DD's 1st birthday! It looks like it was a great party!
Happy 1st birthday boys!
Happy (very belated) birthday Mason & Brody!!! They boys are HUGE. I cannot believe it. Remember before you were pregnant I told you it would work and that before you knew it we would be talking about how they are already ONE?
Ummm....I love this part. I was RIGHT. Haha.
Can we PLEASE catch up soon?! PLEASE? For some reason my AOL name is no longer valid? Not sure what happened. I'm at my mac one but I never see you on there and realize I have to add you. Whoops.
I want to talk to you soon. I miss you!
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